Harbin is one of the coldest cities in the world. Its winters are long and harsh, and it is affectionately named the “Ice City.” Despite the harsh climate, Harbin has become famous for the world’s largest ice and snow festival.
If you are in Harbin, another “sight” to check out is the hot pot restaurant made from blocks of ice. Every year Shangri-La builds a seasonal ice house restaurant that serves hot pot. The food is pretty good, and it is quite a unique experience. Inside this ice house, there is an ice bar (not real bar but for display only) – good photo opportunity for sure! Just in case you are wondering, the tables and chairs are not made of ice, unfortunately. To keep you warm during your meal, the tables have heaters underneath, so it didn’t feel cold at all!
Here are the pictures from our trip!
Ice restaurant serving hot pot Harbin – inside the ice house restaurant Harbin – inside the ice house restaurant Harbin – hot pot ice house entrance Harbin – inside the hot pot ice house Harbin – enjoying hot pot inside ice house Harbin – enjoying hot pot inside ice house Harbin – enjoying hot pot inside ice house Harbin – enjoying hot pot inside ice house Harbin – ice bar inside hot pot ice house Harbin – ice bar inside hot pot ice house
Have you ever had hot pot inside an ice house? Leave a message!