We spent our last day at Rocky Mountain National Park hiking and chasing wildlife. We got lucky this day – the sky cleared up and we enjoyed sunshine for the day. There were lots of elk in the park, and we would occasionally see moose in the meadows/trees.

Elk sighting in Rocky Mountain National Park
There are many trails in the park to hike, and we chose to hike the Cub Lake trail. Along the way we stopped by Fern Falls and had a “quick” photo session. ๐

Posing in front of the giant waterfall but getting a little scared….(you can’t tell, can you?)

My solitude “candid” at Cub Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park
We were also able to squeeze in a stroll around Bear Lake, which was still covered with snow. ย The “hike” around the lake was less than 1 mile, but with the snow it was a bit slippery. Being away from snowboarding for a few months, I really enjoyed walking around the lake in the snow. ๐

Bear Lake, elevation 9,475 feet
At the conclusion of our time in the park, we were rewarded with a rare sight – a newborn baby elk (just 5 hours old!) learning to walk and getting its first feeding. Pretty cool!

Baby elk, just 5 hours old (Rocky Mountain National Park)
Before heading back to the airport we stopped by Boulder to have dinner at Avery Brewing Co and filled our tummy with delicious BBQ. Mmmm!

Avery Brewing Co

Dinner at Avery Brewing Co
ย And then it’s a wrap! It was tough getting back to reality, but work is a must so I can fund my other adventures. ๐
Can you think of other places that we should have gone to? Please leave a message below!